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Scientific Photography

Preparing your entry
    • Take a high resolution digital image that shows the 2024 topic: Taranaki Landform
    • The entrant must submit a photograph of a geographical feature of Taranaki (rock formations, rivers, hills, valleys, cliffs, beaches, rivers, etc…). The entrant must also provide in the description the māori Pūrākau (narrative) of that feature, along with the geological details (type of rock, formation process, etc…)
    • Example (taken from outside Taranaki): White island / Whakaari. Māori recognised the pattern that ‘fire’ from underground could be seen at Whakaari (White Island) in the Bay of Plenty all the way to Tongariro. They say that the high priest Ngātoroirangi and his sisters Te Hoata and Te Pupu were responsible for bringing fire to New Zealand from the ancestral homeland, Hawaiki. Whakaari is one of the places the sisters left fire. White island is a stratovolcano. Strato means layer. These volcanoes are formed by many layers of hardened lava. White island is made of layers of andesite lava flows and pyroclastic deposits (tephra). It was created by subduction of the Pacific Plate below the Australian Plate.
    • Submitting Your Entry by June 28th (Digital Entry)
    • Only one entry per person
    • Photograph entries must be submitted in jpg/jpeg format.
    • The filename must be in the following format: section code – school year – xxxx . For example, if you are in year 10, and you enter the scientific photography, your filename would be: SP-10-xxx. Your school and name will be added automatically to the name of the file.
    • Before you upload your file, please check it’s in the correct format and rename it.  Otherwise, the judges may not be able to open your work and you may be disqualified, then.
    • Include a statement of up to thirty words about your image: where, when, and how it was created; and with scientific terms how it relates to the topic.
    • If you wish your work to be displayed at the fair, you must print an A4 copy of your photograph and mount it on a black paper sheet. Make sure that on the black margin you indicate your first and last name, your school, your year level and most importantly your description. The mounting will ensure that your work is not damaged by the staples.
    If you would like your entry displayed at the fair, please post your hard copy to Elemental Group Taranaki Science Fair, Level 6, 54 Gill Street. New Plymouth, 4310. Alternatively, another option is to physically drop off entries at this address. Please ensure your entry is correctly labelled using the filename you used when you submitted your digital entry.
Scientific Photography
Provided is an example of a 2021 winning entry by Jessica Stanton (Yr 10) 

2021 Theme: Land Meets Water

Our Judge’s Tips

Be creative

Think about composition

Provide a photo with good photo resolution