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Elemental Group Science & Technology Fair

Since 1983, year 7-13 students compete each year in the Taranaki Science & Technology Fair. More than 60 schools are eligible from all over Taranaki to participate in this 3 day event. The science fair provides students the opportunity to solve real life problems via their innovative ideas and projects. During this event many amazing prizes are awarded for winning projects in each category.

Pūtaiao me Hangarau ki Taranaki. E 60 ngā Kura i roto i tēnei rohe e hono ana. He nui ngā wero, he nui ngā koha ki tēnei whakaaturanga.

The fair is open for 3 days to the public to view all entries

60+ schools, for years 7-13, are invited to participate from all over the Taranaki region

50+ sponsors from businesses, organisations and universities

Bright Minds | Bright Ideas

Elemental Group Science & Technology Fair is a great opportunity for up and coming minds to show and be seen.

The Elemental Group Science and Technology Fair is a competition for students (Years 7 – 13) from all over Taranaki to showcase their creative talents in front of not only their family and friends but also high school teachers, representatives of universities and local companies.

It is an opportunity for those who love science and technology to innovate, collaborate and produce work that they can be proud of! Once their projects are complete, students can get to see their work on display, alongside their friends, family and the public.

The categories include advertising posterobservational drawingscientific photographyscientific journalismtechnological development, scientific investigationrobotics & water rockets.

Every year the Elemental Group Science & Technology Fair gives away copious amounts of prizes. These prizes include money, books, chocolate boxes and even scholarships. In each category awards are given to 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place & Merit. There are also special prizes and spot prizes too!

The fair is an influential way to inspire the next generation to seek careers in science and technology. Innovation in this arena is only going to become more important in the future. Now is the time to encourage young minds to get excited about science and technology.